Rockstar has no known source for this system error just yet, but according to Reddit the clock switch seems to be doing the trick for now.
Code grand theft auto 4 pc code#
Rockstar advised u/tusunamii to set the date on the system’s clock back to anywhere from a few days to a few months ago to bypass Error Code 1001.
Code grand theft auto 4 pc Patch#
While there’s no permanent patch for this glitch just yet, it does sound like the developers are working on it and for the time being turning the clock is what will make the game launchable again. Question: What are the steps for installing Grand Theft Auto IV for PC from discAnswer: With the release of Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition, Grand Theft Auto IV will be available on previous platforms as well as the Rockstar Games Launcher. Thankfully, Reddit user u/tusunamii got in touch with Rockstar Games about the error and they came back with a quick fix. Suddenly, a game that came out months ago simply will not launch for some gamers. The problem, Error Code 1001, seems to have come out of nowhere. Jai trouvé cela dommage, car je nai pas retrouvé le fun qui ma tant enchanté dans GTA SA et VC. Un brin plus mature et réaliste que ceux de la génération PS2 cependant.

GTA4 has scrapped use of Games for Windows Live in favor of using their own server, Rockstar Social Club, which was developed back in 2008. Grand Theft Auto 4 est clairement un bon GTA selon moi. The Rockstar Games release saw some changes for which server would be used, which could be wherein the problem lies. Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition has been available for PC users since earlier this year and is comprised of the original Grand Theft Auto IV and the additional DLC.

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition has been unable to launch for several days for some users, all because of a new error code. Grand Theft Auto PC gamers have run in to a roadblock.